The need of the time

Mass upheaval of stress in the collective consciousness is felt by all.
All the ancient traditions recognise our interconnectedness, not only to our fellow human kind but to all of creation. The Modern science of Quantum mechanics presents different language to describe this same thing - the unified field, one indivisible whole consciousness. There is no escape from our connection to one and other and thats beautiful knowledge to have. As Thoreau says “Solitude is not measured by the miles of space that intervene between a man and his fellows”. If we can find solitude in a crowd, we can find connection in isolation. Space does not separate, it connects. 

We can feel this cosmic connectivity trembling at our core when things hit the fan on a global scale. One tremor ripples across the entire web, permeating the minds of every individual. United in this experience of feeling, divided only in our interpretation and response.

Rather than fighting each other and engaging in heated debate over the appropriate response to what we are all feeling, we can turn within ourselves. Feel deeply into that place that inspires action that is right for you and you only, and act accordingly, without shame or fear of being judged. Can we then, as we carry out our activities, observe the actions of others without judgment?

Our different beliefs form the line in the earth, the illusionary divide. It is the line that splits the ‘one’ into ‘two’, and it’s inside this furrow of turned up dirt that seeds are sown. Watered in under the pressure of two opposing forces that rain down and give life to the forests of multiplicity, the story of life. There would be no calm without chaos, no up without down, no good without evil, no inside without outside and no healthy without sick. What a boring play this life would be if we all felt, interpreted and responded in unity at all times. ‘One’ consciousness experiencing itself as ‘one’, is not a story. One consciousness forgetting its ‘oneness’ in order to experience a different point of view is creation.. creation of a story. The play and display of life. The vedas call this “Lila Shakti”.

Standing up for your beliefs is important but can we accept that the beliefs across the line from you also have their purpose? Can we fight for what we want to see in the world without forgetting that beneath the illusion of many we are one. As Krishna says to Arjuna when instructing him to destroy his enemies “do it smilingly”. Anchored in being perform the action, allow it to flow forth with love, love for the opposition who in collaboration is  helping you to create an epic story.

We can all live an exemplary life where we are the hero of our own story. It’s the challenging times that offer up the opportunity for you to stand into your power. Make the decisions that allow you to feel alive and inservice to this role. Where am I needed right now? In nearly all stories the hero is seen making decisions that defy the status quo. They move when everyone is too scared to move and they stay still when everyone is moving too quick. They fearlessly act in response to a voice deep within that speaks only to them. It is their actions that inspire and uplift others to also change direction. Heroes help people break free of fear, the fear of the unknown.   

What we can do, is what we are trained to do, which is to make contact with this subtle field within that connects us to everything. Through meditation we ‘de-excite' our mind, that like all other minds is being stimulated by the current drama and sent into a spin. When we settle into this space within, our senses are heightened allowing us to then discriminate between the inner intuitive voice and the noise of the collective stress. By strengthening our capability to hear our inner truth we build confidence to act on it.

The Veda teaches that what you do as an individual impacts the collective, our thoughts and actions feed into the unified field, either adding to the turbulence or helping to calm it down. Taking your consciousness, your loving awareness and pouring it within for 20 minutes twice a day is our offering, our contribution to both the little self (individual) and big self (Collective). 

Meditation helps to establish your role as the hero and identify where your service is required. It may be to create a safe environment for children to be children or to help someone get their groceries or innocently listening while someone releases some stress. Those seemingly small actions are all part of what makes you a hero. We don’t need to do anything other than respond to the need of the time and that is why we meditate, so we know what that is.  

jasson salisbury